30 aprile 2011

Zelda Kaplan at 94 Years Young

Quando l’età non conta . Seguo spesso questo blog specialmente quando ho bisogno di carica !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


oggi mi sono soffermata su questa fantastica donna !!!!!


Yesterday I met with 94 year old Zelda Kaplan and asked her a few questions about life and style. Zelda is known for her wonderful outfits designed from fabrics she has collected all over the world.She loves going out on the town and can be found dancing at the some of the city's hippest clubs. Zelda told me that the key to staying young is,

 "You have to be healthy, one must be interested in the world, not in oneself only."

Ciao Daniela !!!!!!

1 commento:

Grazie per l'attenzione che mostrate per quello che faccio !