15 gennaio 2012

Dopo le luci della festa


Amo da sempre il mondo della fotografia e spesso mi perdo nel web ammirando foto meravigliose di bravissimi fotografi , oggi mi sono imbattuta in questo racconto.

The listening in solitudes





The listening in solitudes
In 86 percent of Serbian villages, the number of inhabitants, only 12 percent of thegrowth and enjoys an approval to those who are closer to the city. But it is a drop in the bucket. The last residents of many villages are elderly. These villages will die, andas evidence of life there will remain only new monuments. This project documents thepast ten years solitary 82-year Cvije Dokic. 2000 years has survived the loss of herhusband. As a mother of three children, suffered an accident departures of children with one desire: to go as soon as possible to the European Union, Serbian, Croatian and never returned.
What is the future of rural life?









What is the future of rural life?



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Grazie per l'attenzione che mostrate per quello che faccio !